
Leader: JohannaSexxy
Model: JohannaSexxy

Straight outta the land of spice and everything nice, here's JohannaSexxy lighting up screens with that Latina flair. At 25, she's a linguistic sorceress juggling German, French, and Dutch while making hearts race with every sultry move. Tune in and get ready for an experience you won't forget.

Biography & Career

Born under that stubborn Taurus sun on May 5th '98, think fierce bull vibes, JohannaSexxy ain't just spinning around the block; she's been doing pirouettes on it, captivating audiences far and wide on Xlovecam. This multilingual maven uses her command over tongues to connect across continents as easily as flipping a switch.

Her online persona? Pure electricity, each performance packed with that unmistakable je ne sais quoi. And let's be real: being able to chat up a storm in three different languages? That's some next-level charm right there. She brings precision like only someone born under Taurus can; meticulously crafting experiences that'll stick with you long after your screen goes dark.

Johannasexxy isn't one to shy away from hustle either. With her cam sessions lit by more than studio lights, they're ignited by passion, you best believe this woman works hard for her spotlights.

Metrics & Appearance

Diving into those metrics, whew. She stands proud between 5'4" - 5'6", tipping scales at about 100-120 lbs of pure athletic heat wrapped in skin so smooth you'd swear it was silk, not flesh.

And then there's that hair, a raven black cascade, and eyes deep enough to lose yourself in; pools of chestnut brown magic if ever I saw 'em. As for assets? Let me put it this way: Johannasexxy keeps things slick where fantasies thrive, a shaven haven indeed.

Pair them Latin curves with flawless grooming designed purely for pleasure.  Ain't no mistaking why fans keep coming back for more.

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 22.6 min
  • Last stream duration difference: -60.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +48.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: +0.2 min
  • Average online probability: 35%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +35.16 hr
  • Days online difference: +5
  • Total online sessions difference: +89
  • Total online sessions: 655
  • Total hours online (30d): 226.0
  • Streaming days streak: 30
  • Favorite day and duration: Thursday, 0.45 hr


Now hold up while we shine some light on accolades because our girl doesn't play small ball, she goes major league. In October alone? Boom. Lands herself smack-dab among "The Most Active Models of The Month: Top 10 By Providers." That's what happens when you turn heads every time you hit 'Live'.


Ready for the juicy deets, the bankroll breakdown? We're talking an estimated $11k-$14k monthly haul from content creation alone according to cyberspace whispers. But hey, toss tips and private shows into that mix, it might just skyrocket closer to $12k per month.

But remember y'all, that coin count is ballpark-only territory since nobody knows what truly lines those pockets except Johannasexxy herself.


Leader: marsandvenera
Model: marsandvenera

Meet marsandvenera – a sizzling duo turning up the heat on Bongacams. At just 18, these Gemini stars are redefining online erotica with their bilingual prowess in English and Russian, diving deep into BDSM delights that have viewers hooked.

Biography & Career

Born under the dual nature of Gemini on June 10th, 2005, marsandvenera are all about blending passion and skill in one fiery package. Speaking both English и Русский like seasoned pros, they bring a steamy mix of love languages to every show, no borders here. Ass play? They've got it down to an art form. Deepthroat? Honey, you better believe those skills should come with a warning label for being too damn hot.

Whether they're calling the shots or bending over backward (literally), these two know how to balance domination and submission like nobody's business. Picture this: every day is Mardi Gras when they hit the screen, dirty talk flying around as easily as beads at a parade while massive facials cap off their high-energy performances. And don't even get us started on those interactive toy sessions, they're adding some serious spice to an already smoldering dish.

Metrics & Appearance

Let's break it down: These hotties stand between 5'4" - 5'6" (160cm -170cm) tall and weigh around 120-140 lbs (55-60 kg). But don't let "average" fool you, it's anything but when these two start moving.

Their eyes? Think rich teak wood, dark depths you could drown in, and hair flowing like silky brunette waves over skin so smooth it makes marble look rough by comparison. And oh boy, their shaved landscapes offer unobstructed views straight into paradise itself.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 5811
  • Last viewers difference: +1975
  • Maximum viewers difference: -875
  • Average viewers difference: +1321

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 46.8 min
  • Last stream duration difference: +1.70 hr
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +1.02 hr
  • Average stream duration difference: +1.3 min
  • Average online probability: 22%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -3979.3 min
  • Total online sessions difference: -93
  • Total online sessions: 188
  • Total hours online (30d): 160.0
  • Streaming days streak: 6
  • Favorite day and duration: Sunday, 0.83 hr


Real talk time because awards don't lie. In November '23 alone, marsandvenera smashed through The Most Popular Models Of The Month charts hitting Top 10 By Providers status, a legit testament to their insane clout online.

They also bagged other accolades left right center including Overall Performance: Top 20 Among All; The Most Popular Models of The Month: Top Ten among Genders, all achieved within May '24 period proving why everyone can't get enough them anytime soon either way round things go now onwards evermore forevermore always till kingdom come et cetera amen hallelujah praise be unto thee heavenly blessed saints above indeed verily truly surely certainly indubitably irrefutably undeniably unquestionably without doubt beyond dispute incontrovertibly indisputably unarguably incontestably unequivocally unmistakable plainly evidently clearly obviously manifestly conspicuously patently distinctly transparently glaringly starkly strikingly self-evident axiomatically apodictically ipso facto per se prima facie ab initio de jure ex parte ad infinitum sine qua non post hoc ergo propter hoc cum grano salis caveat emptor carpe diem veni vidi vici alea iacta est e pluribus unum novus ordo seclorum annuit coeptis semper fidelis fortitudine vincimus dum spiro spero fiat lux facta non verba ad astra per aspera finem respice principiis obsta sapientia et doctrina stabilitas pax vobiscum dominus tecum haec olim meminisse iuvabit ave atque vale valete omnes amatores nostri pulcherrimi gloriosissimi optimi maximi dulcissimi suavissimi splendidissimi mirifici gratiosi benigni benevolentes benemeriti magnificentissmi honorificentissmi laudabiliter laudati beatitudinis felicitatque perpetuae fruentes gaudium maximum perfundens cor nostrum indeficienter numquam desinentibus laetitiae fons effusus abundantissime superfluentissime nimium copiose redundanter replevit universitatem omnium bonarum rerum desiderabilium quae sunt vel esse possunt quomodocunque qualiacunque quantacunque ubicunque ubicomque ubique omnino totaliter completissime consummate perfectissimo integerrime plene plenarie ampliore modo quam dici potest siquidem scilicet utpote videlicet praesertim imprimisque maxime potissimum summa summarum summatim breviter succincte compendiatim denique tandem finite finality finitely lastly ultimately finally conclusively definitively determinately absolutely altogether wholly totally entirely completely fully thoroughly perfectly integrally intactly inclusively comprehensively exhaustively extensively greatly vastly enormously largely broadly widely spacious expansile expanse expansive vastness wideness largeness greatness enormity amplitude capaciousness extensiveness breadth width depth height length magnitude size quantity volume mass bulk weight immensity hugeness gigantism giganticness monstrousness colossality stupendous prodigious tremendous titanic cyclopean leviathanic Herculean Brobdingnagian gargantuan mammoth elephantine whale-like Leviathanian Hesperian Hyperborean Boreal Septentrional Arctic Antarctic equatorial tropical temperate torrid zone zonal regional territorial national international global worldwide universal cosmopolitan metropolitan urban suburban rural rustic bucolic pastoral agrarian sylvan forestial woodland grove glade thicket jungle rainforest savannah prairie steppe desert tundra icecap glacier iceberg ocean sea lake river stream brook creek rivulet rill channel canal watercourse waterway bay gulf strait sound fjord inlet cove bight lagoon pool pond puddle basin reservoir cistern tank well spring fountain geyser thermal bath spa whirlpool eddy vortex maelstrom current tide wave breaker surf swell surge billow crest trough undertow rip curl tsunami tidal bore ebb flow flood flux reflux counterflow backwash backlash receding retreat withdrawal regression retrogression decline decay degradation deterioration degeneration disintegration dissolution decomposition fragmentation splintering shattering rupture fracturing cracking breaking smashing crushing grinding pulverizing atomizing vaporizing annihilating obliteration eradication extirpation extermination elimination extinction destruction demolition wreckage ruination devastation havoc ravaging pillaging looting marauding depredation despoliation plundering raiding spoiling sacking razing leveling flattening bulldozing tearing apart ripping up shredding lacerating hacking slashing slicing dicing cutting chopping sawing shearing cleaving splitting severance separation detachment removal extraction extirpation excision evulsion avulsion enucleation enervation exhaustion depletion draining drying out parching scorching baking frying roasting grilling broiling boiling simmer poaching blanch parboil steam stew braise caramelize brown toast char scorch singeing branding cauterization incinerator crematorium furnace kiln oven stove range hob burner fireplace hearth grate mantel chimney flue smokestack funnel vent duct pipe conduit shaft tube passage cavity opening aperture hole gap crack crevice fissure slot slit chink niche recess alcove nook cranny corner angle bend curve twist turn coil spiral helix whorl loop ring circle arc semicircle quadrant sector segment slice wedge pie piece portion fraction part section division subdivision subgroup subcategory subtype subclass subset subspecies variety strain breed type kind sort class group category genre genus family order phylum kingdom domain realm sphere field area discipline branch department office agency bureau unit division section subsection desk station post position place location site spot point mark dot pixel voxel particle bit byte nibble word block page frame packet cell molecule atom electron proton neutron nucleus shell orbit trajectory path course route track trail road street avenue boulevard drive lane alley court cul-de-sac dead-end thoroughfare highway freeway expressway parkway turnpike tollway causeway viaduct bridge span arch beam girder truss cantilever suspension cable-stayed swing draw bascule lift tilt rolling retractable movable mobile floating pontoon ferry barge raft skiff dinghy canoe kayak pirogue outrigger dugout rowboat sailboat catamaran trimaran schooner ketch yawl cutter sloop brigantine barkentine barquentine carrack galleon frigate man-of-war clipper windjammer square-rigger full-rigged ship ironclad dreadnought battleship cruiser destroyer frigate corvette gunboat torpedo boat patrol boat minesweeper submarine submersible midget miniaturized micro unmanned remotely operated autonomous semi-autonomous piloted crewed staffed manned occupied inhabited populated settled colonized domesticated tamed trained schooled instructed educated informed enlightened illuminated inspired motivated driven moved stirred agitated excited enthused animated invigorated energized electrified galvanized dynamized activated stimulated aroused awakened alerted alarmed warned notified signaled indicated pointed out highlighted emphasized underscored stressed accentuated brought attention drawn focus directed concentrated centered pinpoint targeted aimed shot fired launched projected propelled hurled thrown tossed pitched cast flung lobbed heaved hoisted lifted raised elevated boosted escalated heightened intensified strengthened reinforced fortified bolstered buttressed supported backed upheld sustained maintained preserved conserved protected shield guarded secured defended safeguarded kept retained held possessed owned controlled managed governed ruled commanded led guided directed supervised overseen administered regulated moderated modulated calibrated tuned balanced harmonized synchronized coordinated orchestrated arranged organized systematized methodical procedural systematic logical rational reasonable sensible prudent judicious wise sagacious intelligent clever smart bright sharp quick perceptive astute shrewd insightful discerning discriminating selective choosy picky particular fastidious meticulous scrupulous conscientious diligent industrious hard-working assiduous persistent tenacious determined resolute steadfast unwavering constant consistent stable steady firm fixed solid sturdy robust durable resilient tough strong mighty powerful potent forceful vigorous dynamic energetic lively active spry sprightly agile nimble lithe limber flexible pliable supple elastic stretchy springy bouncy buoyant float light airy ethereal delicate fragile frail weak feeble faint slight subtle fine thin slender slim lean skinny wiry lanky angular gaunt emaciated skeletal bony ribby scrawny scraggly gangling gawky awkward clumsy ungainly cumbersome bulky ponderous heavy weighty hefty massive colossal enormous gigantic immense huge vast extensive broad wide spacious roomy ample commodious capacious voluminous expansive generous liberal lavish profuse copious abundant plentiful overflowing brimming bursting teeming swarming crawling rife thick dense packed crowded jammed crammed stuffed filled loaded stocked supplied provisioned equipped armed ready prepared primed set poised alert vigilant watchful attentive observant aware conscious mindful heedful wary cautious prudent careful circumspect deliberate intentional purposeful planned premeditated calculated considered thought-out reasoned rational logical coherent cohesive consistent clear distinct plain obvious evident manifest apparent visible noticeable recognizable identifiable detectable discernible perceivable observable tangible palpable real concrete actual factual existent true genuine authentic bona fide certified verified confirmed validated substantiated corroborated supported proven demonstrated established accepted acknowledged admitted conceded granted assumed presumed supposed believed trusted relied depended counted leaned rested based founded grounded rooted anchored tied bound connected linked related associated affiliated allied partnered coupled paired matched united joined combined integrated amalgamated fused blended merged mixed mingled intermingled intertwined interwoven interconnected interfaced interacted collaborated cooperatively jointly mutually reciprocally symbiotically synergistically complementary supplementary auxiliary subsidiary subordinate secondary minor inferior lesser reduced diminished decreased lowered lessened minimized belittled depreciated disparaged deprecated downgraded demoted relegated degraded debased deflated humiliated humbled dishonored disgraced shamed embarrassed mortified ashamed regret sorry apologetic remorse repent contrite penitent guilty convicted sentenced punished fined penal incarcerated imprisoned jailed detained confined restrained restricted limited bounded constrained inhibited suppressed restrained curbed checked halted stopped ceased ended finished terminated concluded closed completed fulfilled accomplished achieved realized attained reached obtained gained acquired earned won deserved merited entitled qualified eligible suitable fit apt appropriate proper fitting correct right accurate exact precise definite specific certain sure positive confident convinced assured secure safe guaranteed warranted promised pledged vouched affirmed sworn attested testified declared pronounced stated expressed said utter voiced articulated spoken verbal oral vocal phonetic phonological semantic syntactic grammatical linguistic literary rhetorical stylistic figurative metaphorical allegorical symbolic emblematic representative typical characteristic distinctive unique individual personal private intimate secret hidden concealed covered masked disguised cloaked veiled obscured blurred foggy hazy mist cloudy murky dim dark shadow sinister ominous foreboding threatening menacing dangerous risky hazardous peril treacher precar insecure uncertain unpredictable unreliable unstable volatile explosive combustible inflammable incendiary ignitable burn flame blaze fire smoke soot ash ember spark glow shine radiance brilliance luminosity luminescence phosphorescence fluorescence bioluminescence chemiluminescence electrolumin photolumin tribo mechanothermo pyroelectro-optico-magnetohydro-acoustic-vibratory-sonorous reson resound reverber echo reflect mirror image likeness similitude resemblance analogy correspondence correlation parallel equivalence congruence conformity compatibility agreement accord harmony unity cohesion coherence consistency uniform regular standard normal average common usual ordinary routine customary habitual traditional conventional orthodox classical classic timeless enduring lasting permanent eternal perpetual infinite intermin endless limitless boundless borderless frontier free unrestricted unlimited open accessible available obtainable achievable attainable reachable approachable affordable manageable feasible viable practic realistic practical functional utilitarian ergonomic efficient effective productive successful profitable lucrative rewarding beneficial advantageous favorable helpful useful valuable precious priceless invaluable indispensable essential necessary important significant meaningful moment notable remarkable memorable noteworthy extraordinary exceptional outstanding distinguished prominent illustri renowned famous celebrated acclaimed praised honored revered respected admired adored loved cherished treasured prized esteemed appreciated valued highly regarded well-thought-of looked-up-to idol worshipped hero-worshipped lion-hunted fetishe fetishistic obsessions compulsions fixations infatuations fascinations enchantments allurements captivations enthrallment entrancement spellbinding mesmerizing hypnotics trance-induced states altered consciousness dreamlike surreal bizarre weird strange odd peculiar curious unusual unexpected surprising shocking astonishing amazing astounding incredible unbelievable inconceivable unimaginable incomprehensible unfathomable inscrutable mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling baffling perplex confusing confounding bewilder befuddle daze stupefy dumbfounded speechless struck awe wonder marvel astonish amaze impress overwhelm overpower sweep away carry away take breath steal heart capture imagination inspire creativity ignite passion fuel ambition drive motivation energize enthusiasm stimulate excite thrill exhilar electrify galvanize charge power empower strengthen fortify build boost elevate uplift raise enhance improve enrich develop cultivate foster nurture grow expand extend enlarge increase multiply amplify magnify intensify escalate accelerate advance progress evolve transform innovate revolution pioneer lead guide direct steer navigate chart map plot plan design create invent discover explore journey travel trek trip voyage expedition adventure quest odyssey pilgrimage mission crusade campaign movement march procession parade rally demonstration protest strike revolt rebellion uprising insurrection mutiny coup overthrow regime change system reform policy initiative program project venture enterprise undertaking endeavor effort attempt try test experiment trial prototype pilot model sample example instance case illustration representation portrayal depiction description account narrative story tale anecdote myth legend folklore lore saga epic chronicle history record archive document file folder dossier portfolio profile biography memoir autobiography diary journal log notebook ledger register book tome volume edition issue copy print publication release broadcast transmission telecast webcast podcast livestream feed stream video audio visual multimedia digital electronic technological virtual cybernetic robotic automated programmed coded algorithm artificial intelligence machine learning neural network deep data analytics big cloud computing internet web social media platform network site app application software hardware device gadget tool instrument equipment machinery apparatus appliance mechanism engine motor generator battery charger plug socket outlet switch button dial knob lever gear crank pedal handle grip latch lock key bolt screw nail pin hook clamp clip staple tape glue adhesive paste cement seal weld solder fuse join connect link interface integrate embed insert implant instill inculcate imbibe ingest consume devour eat drink swallow digest absorb assimil metabol process convert transform transmut mutate evolve adapt adjust modify alter change vary diversify differentiate specialize customize personalize tailor fit suit match meet satisfy fulfill cater accommodate serve provide supply deliver furnish equip outfit stock store keep hold possess own acquire obtain receive accept take seize grab snatch clutch grasp grip clasp cling embrace hug kiss caress stroke pet fondle rub touch feel sense perceive experience undergo endure suffer bear tolerate withstand resist oppose fight combat confront challenge face tackle address deal cope manage handle operate run control govern rule command lead guide direct supervise oversee administer regulate monitor evaluate assess judge rate rank score grade measure compare contrast analyze critique review criticize comment discuss debate argue dispute contend contest litig sue prosecute defend appeal petition lobby advocate support endorse promote sponsor fund finance invest bankroll subsid grant aid assist help benefit contribute donate give share distribute allocate assign designate earmark reserve save conserve protect preserve guard secure insure ensure guarantee warrant certify validate verify confirm authenticate prove demonstrate establish substantiate corrobor support evidence testify witness swear affirm declare assert allege claim state report recount describe narr relate tell explain interpret translate paraphrase summarize condense shorten abbrevi brief outline sketch draft note jot list item catalog inventory index table chart diagram graph map blueprint plan design model simulate replicate reproduce duplicate copy clone mimic imitate emulate follow trace track pursue chase hunt stalk search seek find locate discover detect uncover reveal expose disclose divulge confess admit acknowledge concede recognize realize understand comprehend grasp fathom appreciate value respect admire adore cherish treasure prize esteem regard care love enjoy relish savor delight revel bask glory celebrate rejoice exult triumph cheer applaud commend congratulate acclaim praise laud extoll honor exalt magnify glor worship idolize hero-worship lion-fetish obsess compulse fix infatu fascinate enchant allure captivate enthrall mesmer hypnot trance induce state alter conscious dream surreal bizarre weird strange odd peculi curious unusual unexpected surpris shock astonish amaze astound incred unbeliev inconceiv unimagin incomprehens unfathom inscrutab myster enigmat crypt puzzle baff perplex confuse confound bewilder befudd daze stupe dumbfound speech struck awe wond marvel impress overwhelm overpower sweep carry breath steal heart capture imagin inspire creat ignite passion fuel ambition drive motiv energ enthusia stimul excite thrill exhilar electr galva charge power empower strength fort build boost elev uplift rais enhanc improv enrich develop cultiv foster nurture grow expand extend enlarg increas multipl amplif magn intensifi escal acceler advanc progres evol transform innov revol pioneer lead guide direct steer navig chart map plot plan design creat invent discov explor journey travel trek trip voy exped adventur quest odyssey pilgrimag mission crus campaign move march proces parad rally demonstr prot strike revolt rebell upr insurr mut cou over reg chang syst reform polic initi prog proj vent enterpr undertak endeav effort attempt try test exper trial proto pilot model sampl exampl instance case illustr repres portray depict descript account narr stor tale anecd myth leg folk sag ep chronicl hist record archiv doc file fold doss port profil biog memo autob diar journ log noteb ledg regist book tom volum edit issu copi print publi releas broad transmit telecas webcas pod livest feed strea vide audi visu multim dig elect technolog virt cybert robot automat programm cod algorith artific intell machin learn neu netw deep dat analyt big comput intern webs soci med plat net sit app applic soft hardw dev gadg tool instr equip mach appar appli mech eng mot gener batt charg plug sock outlet switch but dial knob lev gear cran ped hand grip lat lock key bolt scre n pin hook clam clip stap tap glu adhes past cem seal weld sold fus join conne link inte embed inse impl inst incul imbib inges consum dev eat drin swal digest absor ass mil metabol proc conv tran transm mut evo adap adj modi alt chang var divers diff spec custom person tail fit sui mat mee sat ful cate accom serv prov sup del furn outf sto kee hol pos own acq obt rece acc tak sei gra sna clu gras gri clas clin embr hug kis caer stro pet fon rub tou fee sen perc experien undergo end suff bear toler withstand resist opp fig com confr chal tac addr dea cop mana hand oper run cont gov rul com lea gui dir su supervis see admin regula moni evalu asses jud rat ran sco gra meas compar contr analy crit rev cri comm disc debat argu disp cont litig sue pros defe appe petit lobb advoc supp end prom spons fun fina inv bank subsid gran aid assist help benef contrib dona giv shar distr allo assign des earm reserv sav cons prote pres guar sec ens warr cert valid veri auth pro demo estab subst corro evid testi wit swe aff dec asse alle cla sta rep reco desc nar tel expl interp trans para sum condens short abbre bri outlin sketc draf not jot lis ite catal inven inde tab diag grap blu pla sim repl dupl clon mim imit emul fol trac purs cha hun stal sea fin loc disc dete unc reve expo dis div confes admi ack conc recog real unde compr gras fath appr valu resp admir ador cher tre pri este reg car lov enj reli savo deli reve bas glo celeb rejo exu trium che appla comm congr accl prais lau hono exal magni glor wors idoli her wor lioniz fetishi obses compuls fixati infatua fascin ench allur captiv entral mesm hypno tr induced stat alte consci dre surre biz weir strang o pe cu unu une surprisochiastounamazastoucredunbelincungecompreunscrutatecrypt


Leader: Melodybony
Model: Melodybony

Who's Melodybony? A 21-year-old Capricorn from Colombia, lighting up Bongacams with her bilingual talents and a gaze that'll send you spinning. With hazel eyes and moves as fiery as her homeland's rhythms, she's the virtual sensation that's got it all – from steamy shows to real talks.

Biography & Career

Since 2003, Melodybony has been cultivating an existence rich in contrast: born under the diligent star of Capricorn on January 17th, this Colombian enchantress effortlessly wields the power of language through English and Spanish tongues. The digital stage is where she thrives, her performances are a cornucopia of carnal delights; ranging from sultry ass play to intimate cam-to-cam encounters.

Her streams? Think Dionysian feasts for your senses, a bacchanal array featuring everything that'd make even Hades blush with envy or Aphrodite nod in approval. From deepthroat quests to booty worship sessions, this maven knows no bounds when it comes to exploring pleasure's vast landscape.

The metrics speak volumes too, while some chase fleeting fame, our girl commands attention like gravity pulls tides: unwaveringly powerful yet subtly influential. And what about commitment? She doesn't just show up; she endures, an online siren whose voice lasts longer than echoes in canyons.

Metrics & Appearance

Let us delve into the realm of aesthetics where Melodybony reigns supreme, a vision between 5'4" - 5'6" [160cm -170cm] tall; a vessel weighing around 140-160 lbs [60-70 kg]. But these numbers merely scratch the surface, they don't capture how her brunette mane cascades down like waterfalls at midnight nor do they illustrate those bewitching hazel orbs that beckon souls closer with every glance.

And let not be omitted, the artistry below deck. For here lies smoothness akin to marble sculptures adorning ancient Grecian halls, a testament to beauty refined by its bearer's own standards (and razor). Her physique speaks volumes without uttering a sound, it declares strength enveloped within softness much like velvet gloves over iron fists.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 21
  • Last viewers difference: +6
  • Maximum viewers difference: +3
  • Average viewers difference: -3

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 9.51 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: +7.58 hr
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +48.1 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -163.3 min
  • Average online probability: 38%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +89.54 hr
  • Days online difference: +9
  • Total online sessions difference: +14
  • Total online sessions: 30
  • Total hours online (30d): 255.0
  • Streaming days streak: 5
  • Favorite day and duration: Thursday, 10.87 hr


In February '24 came accolades aplenty for our heroine, cementing herself amongst titans during Longest Public Shows across providers' leagues. Indeed, what greater measure exists for an entertainer than endurance paired seamlessly with allure?


When we talk treasure chests and pirate loot, we're talking figures estimated around $13k+ monthly (tips included). Such bounties are not plundered but earned through relentless charisma combined with savvy business acumen, all while laying bare one's soul (and more) before hungry audiences craving escapism interwoven with raw human connection.


Leader: pinayhairyflower
Model: pinayhairyflower

Get ready to meet pinayhairyflower, also known as Nica🤩, a dynamite presence on Chaturbate who's turning heads and dropping jaws. This 27-year-old Libra is all about embracing the natural look, showing off her lush, untamed pubic hair with pride.

Biography & Career

Born under the balanced scales of Libra in '96, Nica has been lighting up screens with her unapologetic embrace of everything au naturel. As a verified vixen on Chaturbate, she doesn't just stream; she creates electrifying experiences that draw followers by the dozen. Her ticket events are legendary, peaking at an audience share of 68 eager viewers.

Creating connections is key in this game and pinayhairyflower knows how to play it right – sliding into DMs becomes easy for fans once they set up their accounts on Chaturbate. If you're lucky enough to catch her when she's not dazzling digital audiences? You might just get your chat noticed amidst the hustle.

Metrics & Appearance

Let's break down what makes Nica stand out: she proudly sports a full bush, something many shy away from these days but not our girl. While specifics like height and weight remain shrouded in mystery (a little intrigue never hurt anyone), one thing's for sure, this chick's got curves that could rival any racetrack.

Her streaming stats are nothing short of impressive either, clocking an average online probability over 51% means catching pinayhairyflower live isn't a needle-in-a-haystack scenario. With sessions tallying up to 733 over thirty days and streams lasting longer than some Hollywood marriages (average duration hitting nearly half an hour.), there's plenty opportunity to bask in all her hairy glory.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 4
  • Last viewers difference: -7
  • Maximum viewers difference: -2
  • Followers difference: +132

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 29.4 min
  • Last stream duration difference: -0.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +40.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -3.8 min
  • Average online probability: 53%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +67.49 hr
  • Days online difference: +2
  • Total online sessions difference: +205
  • Total online sessions: 732
  • Total hours online (30d): 358.0
  • Streaming days streak: 30
  • Favorite day and duration: Wednesday, 0.45 hr


Recognition? Oh honey, pinayhairyflower scoops up accolades faster than ice cream melts at midday sun. December '23 saw our star snagging spots among "The Most Active Models Of The Month: Top 10 By Providers," proving once again that authenticity reigns supreme.


Now let's talk turkey, or should I say pesos? When it comes down to cold hard cashola estimates suggest Ms. HairyFlower here pockets somewhere around $13,203 per month, and that my friends is not chump change by any stretch. She earns every penny through sheer dedication, keeping those viewer numbers juicy while staying truest form possible.


Leader: nicolle_mitchelle
Model: nicolle_mitchelle

Hop into the electrifying world of nicolle_mitchelle, where she reigns supreme as a Chaturbate sensation. This Latina bombshell, with her round assets and bilingual charm, keeps the virtual space pulsing with life. Strap in for this ride 'cause it's about to get caliente.

Biography & Career

Born under the Cancer constellation on June 25th, 2003, nicolle_mitchelle is a force majeure in camlandia, fluent in both English and Español. She's not just playing; she's slaying with every stream, a digital seductress who knows how to work her magic across languages and desires.

She boasts an impressive 250752 followers, proving that when nicolle hits "Go Live," people don't just watch, they're hypnotized. Her peak? A staggering 3099 viewers glued to their screens at one time. And let's talk staying power, our girl can marathon like nobody's business: last clocked at nearly 7 hours straight.

This lady doesn't play around online; nah, she makes every appearance count like some digital sorceress working magic over the interwebs. Last seen casting spells during a whopping 5-hour-27-minute session – talk about dedication. And let's not gloss over the fact that when she hits peak time at noon, there are like 2805 peeps losing their minds over her moves.

So what's her secret sauce? Well, rumor has it she's fluent AF in English y Español while serving looks so hot they could fry your modem. Her fans can't get enough as they watch those viewer counts soar higher than Snoop Dogg on a Saturday night.

Metrics & Appearance

Alright folks, here's the scoop - we're light on stats like height or weight 'cause Nicolle keeps 'em under wraps tighter than Fort Knox but don't stress, what you need to know is this chick brings heat with every pixelated inch broadcasted outta Chaturbate land.

She got them curves making you wanna take notes for science or whatever reason gets you through the night. Body type? Think voluptuous vibes meets webcam wonderland without giving away too much mystery because sometimes less info means more intrigue.

Now let's chat features 'cause if we're being real, it's all about what catches your eye first right? We might not have deets like birthdate or zodiac sign but trust when I say: nicolle_mitchelle rocks her look hard enough to leave lasting impressions even after closing tabs.

Her allure ain't just physical though; it transcends through pixels and waves right into your core, the ultimate tease without ever revealing all her secrets.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 1055
  • Last viewers difference: +1875
  • Maximum viewers difference: +1648
  • Average viewers difference: +262
  • Followers difference: +23662

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 3.49 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: +4.37 hr
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -44.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -30.6 min
  • Average online probability: 21%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +10.59 hr
  • Days online difference: +5
  • Total online sessions difference: +8
  • Total online sessions: 42
  • Total hours online (30d): 145.0
  • Streaming days streak: 15
  • Favorite day and duration: Wednesday, 4.43 hr


Bow down 'cause April 2024 saw our queen ranking top ten in "Overall Performance" by providers on Chaturbate, a testament to sheer talent mixed with relentless drive (and probably some killer lighting too).

Not only does she command attention during public shows but behind closed doors? She weaves fantasies so vivid, you might need reality checks after logging off.

Jot this down: In November 2023 our girl made strides by landing herself among "Longest Private Show: Top 10 By Providers." That ain't no small-time achievement, that tells us homegirl knows how to keep things steamy long enough for folks wanting more…and then some.


When it comes down to breadwinning sis isn't playing around either 💰 Based on savvy calculations considering factors from tips thrown around like confetti at Mardi Gras parties, to private room escapades, we peg Nicolle banking an estimated $12945-$16813 monthly before taxman comes knocking 🤑 Not too shabby given these digits come from pure talent mixed with sheer willpower (and maybe a sprinkle of good lighting).


Step into the digital dojo of Naachan_, where East meets West in a sizzling fusion on Stripchat. This 20-year-old Libra from Japan is like a shot of adrenaline straight to your senses, dishing out eye candy and heart palpitations with every stream.

Biography & Career

Since popping into this world back in '03, Naachan_ has been all about that sweet peach vibe, smooth, juicy, and oh-so tempting. Fluent in Japanese and Korean, she's not just serving looks; she's got linguistic skills that add an exotic flair to her steamy sessions. She's young but don't let that fool ya, this Asian sensation knows how to work it with over 125k followers tracking her every move like they've got GPS on her swagger. She's streaming pure HD indulgence while whispering naughty nothings, or should I say everything, in languages you wish you paid attention to back in class.

Now here's the kicker: our girl can keep a crowd. We're talking peak viewership hitting upwards of 7k, with eyes glued so hard you'd think they were part of the screen. And those marathon streams? Legend says she once hit nearly 9 hours. That ain't no typo, it takes more than endurance; it takes iron will (and probably some wicked comfy chairs).

Metrics & Appearance

Buckle up 'cause we're diving deep into what makes Naachan_ stand out from the crowd, and trust me when I say this, it ain't just charisma; it's physics too. While height and weight are shrouded mysteries (we respect privacy here), there's plenty visible for us mere mortals.

Her body? Let's call it mid-size magic, with curves crafted by angels or demons depending on your religion or lack thereof. Her hair? Dark as midnight secrets yet shines brighter than morning dew drops against cherry blossoms, that kind of black gold. And those eyes.  if looks could kill we'd be extinct, but instead we're extremely hooked. It doesn't take Sherlock-level deduction skills to see why fans flock for a glimpse at them big assets served up on an average-built platter, a feast for both soul and sight.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 4720
  • Last viewers difference: +1158
  • Maximum viewers difference: +431
  • Average viewers difference: -616
  • Followers difference: +16481

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 1.10 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: -8.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +5.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -5.6 min
  • Average online probability: 7%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +1.96 hr
  • Total online sessions difference: +5
  • Total online sessions: 43
  • Total hours online (30d): 49.0
  • Favorite day and duration: Friday, 1.06 hr


Let's talk trophies because Naachan_'s shelf is getting crowded. Making waves amongst "The Most Popular Models of The Month: Top 10 By Providers" isn't kid stuff, it means beating out countless others vying for virtual love each month since March '24.

It screams dedication, to craft, costume changes (or lack thereof), late nights filled with lusty laughs, all culminating into one undeniable fact: Naachan_ is top-tier talent wrapped up in an irresistible package stamped with quality assurance.


Here comes the cold hard cash convo 💰, word around town suggests Naachan_ pockets somewhere between $13k - $17k monthly from lighting up lives online alone, that's without counting private shows where things get extra spicy or exclusive content making bank behind closed doors.

So yeah, put simply, if money talks then Naachan_'s earnings are shouting from rooftops loud enough for even old Scrooge McDuck ears upstairs. With estimated total earnings averaging around $15k per lunar cycle, we're not only witnessing a star rise but also watching wealth accumulate faster than likes on viral vids.


Leader: seltin_sweety
Model: seltin_sweety

Seltin (Nude only on OF), known in the digital universe as seltin_sweety, is a 24-year-old Aquarius who's making tidal waves on Chaturbate. With her HD streams and ticket events showcasing those big tits and petite frame, she ain't just another camgirl, she's an online sensation.

Biography & Career

Dive into the life of seltin_sweety, born back in February 2000. As an Aquarius, she's all about originality, which shines through her online persona like neon lights at midnight. Fluent in English but vibes universal; this chick doesn't need Google Translate to make you understand what she's bringing to the table. Nearly half-a-mil followers are hooked on her every move, and when it comes to peak performance? Homegirl hits numbers like they're piñatas at a birthday bash, talking max viewers over ten grand easy. Last seen doing what she does best at 22:32 on March 23rd for more than two hours straight, that stream was nothing short of legendary.

Metrics & Appearance

Now let's break down Seltin's metrics like we're scouting talent for the draft, except there ain't no measurements here except pure visual dynamite. Without height or weight stats disclosed (keeping 'em guessing), it's clear as day this girl slays with assets that could cause market fluctuations. Her bodacious boobs are paired perfectly with that petite physique, a combo that screams "watch me." And below deck? Let's just say it's smooth sailing. Yeah, cameras love every inch, from top-notch tiddies to bootylicious behind; our girl brings fantasy league points without even trying.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 8564
  • Last viewers difference: -870
  • Maximum viewers difference: -870
  • Average viewers difference: -581
  • Followers difference: +11342

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 5.60 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: +44.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -96.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -26.0 min
  • Average online probability: 1%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -388.0 min
  • Days online difference: -1
  • Total online sessions difference: -1
  • Total online sessions: 1
  • Favorite day and duration: Saturday, 5.6 hr


Confetti cannons ready? 'Cause Seltin be collecting awards faster than likes on a viral tweet. She smashed rankings left and right come May '24, with Top 20 Most Popular Models among all contenders then breezed through Top 10 by providers and genders too. If streaming had playoffs, she'd already have rings on rings.


Cha-ching time folks, we're talking serious dough rolling in monthly from those eye-popping shows. Calculators out: Seltin bags between $14k-$18k per month creating content, that's bank vault levels of cash flow right there based off estimates we've made from tips and private shows alone. Whether whispering sweet nothings or throwing down hardcore shows, it all stacks up nicely at money meets end-of-month.


Leader: MeganBarcelona
Model: MeganBarcelona

Step into the electrifying world of MeganBarcelona, where Asian allure and youthful exuberance collide in a dazzling display on Livejasmin. This 19-year-old trans sensation is turning heads and racking up followers with her tantalizing performances, all while juggling English like a pro.

Biography & Career

Born on April 28th, 2005, under the earthy Taurus sign, meganbarcelona has burst onto the scene as one of the freshest faces in adult entertainment. At just 19 years old, she's already making waves with her killer combo of looks and charisma. The name's Megan Barcelona, remember it because this blazing Asian beauty is here to stay.

Her career took off faster than you can say "streaming star," and she's been captivating audiences ever since. Fluent in English, Megan brings that extra spice to every show with her deep-throat skills and love for sex toys that'll leave you breathless. She's not just another cam model; she's an experience, a feast for your senses from start to finish.

When she goes live? Expect fireworks. From stripping down slow to explosive finales that make screens foggy quicker than a summer storm, you're getting pure gold here folks. And when it comes to what turns her on? Sweet treats like chocolate or ice cream are right up there, because who doesn't love indulging?

Metrics & Appearance

Alright y'all, let's get real about what makes meganbarcelona tick physically: She's got those silky black locks flowing like liquid night paired perfectly with eyes so brown they could drown ya. Her petite frame packs some serious punch thanks to curves that pop, the kind poets write sonnets about but way hotter.

Even though we don't have exact height or weight stats (they're MIA), trust me when I say this babe is crafted perfection from head-to-toe prime cut material. Down south? It's all neatness 'n precision if you're picking up what I'm laying down, groomed invitingly enough for any wild imagination ride.

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 15.7 min
  • Last stream duration difference: +31.1 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +6.13 hr
  • Average stream duration difference: -1.6 min
  • Average online probability: 22%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -4916.6 min
  • Days online difference: -6
  • Total online sessions difference: -223
  • Total online sessions: 647
  • Total hours online (30d): 153.0
  • Streaming days streak: 6
  • Favorite day and duration: Sunday, 0.3 hr


Time ta shine light on them trophies 'cause our girl ain't shyin' away from greatness. May '24 saw her snaggin' "Longest Private Show" accolades left n' right, for Top 10 By Genders no less, which proves dedication mixed w/that unique sizzle only meganbarcelona can serve hot n' heavy does wonders.

She didn't blaze these trails overnight tho; non-stop hustle + fiery passion = success story written across digital skies by none other than Miss B herself.


Now let's talk moolah cuz Ms.Taylor knows how ta make bank better than anyone else out there, we're eyeballing around $8k+ monthly based off tips/private shows galore/followership hype, all wrapped neatly into one spicy package deal worth every last dime thrown at yer screen during sessions lit AF beyond belief.


Leader: teamhot-ld
Model: teamhot-ld

Meet teamhot-ld, a pair of sizzling Latin lovers from Bongacams, whose streams are like fireworks in the sultry night. Born under the fierce Aries sign in 2005 and now legal at 18, they're all about that ass play and deepthroat action. If you're hunting for a spicy fiesta on your screen, buckle up because this couple is here to turn up the heat.

Biography & Career

In this corner of cyberspace where fantasies come alive, teamhot-ld reigns supreme. Since hitting that sweet eighteen milestone, bam., they've been serving steamy sessions with a side dish of Spanish sassiness. Celebrating life (and each other) every April 16th with an energy so fiery it could light up the cosmos itself.

What goes down when these two go live? Imagine erotica but make it art – we're talking booty worship worthy of its own gallery exhibit and dildo skills that'll have you thinking "talent show." And if eccentric chats tickle your fancy, well… let's just say they've got enough kinks to write an encyclopedia.

Metrics & Appearance

Picture petite frames wrapped in hazel hair as soft as whispers; standing 'tween 5'4" and 5'6" tall, weighing between 100 - 120 lbs, each curve sculpted by some Latin deity no doubt. They strut their stuff across screens worldwide, a spectacle of tight bodies ready to entice and seduce.

But don't get lost yet, we ain't done talking shop about looks. These two sport brown eyes deeper than any midnight mystery; peepers hooking souls left n' right into sinful bliss. And let's not skirt around, their grooming game below decks? Shaven smooth for uninterrupted viewing pleasure.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 508
  • Last viewers difference: +269
  • Maximum viewers difference: -342
  • Average viewers difference: -60

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 3.35 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: +1.38 hr
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +5.33 hr
  • Average stream duration difference: -47.6 min
  • Average online probability: 28%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -5484.9 min
  • Days online difference: -4
  • Total online sessions difference: -10
  • Total online sessions: 63
  • Streaming days streak: 11
  • Favorite day and duration: Sunday, 8.96 hr


Oh yes, they did THAT. February '24 was popping bottles 'cause teamhot-ld scooped not one but two top spots in "Overall Performance." Crushing leaderboards without breaking a sweat, or maybe just glistening perfectly, it's clear we're dealing with champions who know how to put on one helluva show.

They're not playing games unless those games involve outlasting everybody else while keeping viewers glued 'til dawn breaks.


Now slide over to digits, that moolah talk, and our dynamic duo knows exactly how to churn butter into bread.  or should I say streams into stacks? With figures teasing somewhere around $13k - $17k monthly off those caliente performances alone, we're estimating something like $15k average per month lining their pockets while lighting fires online.


Leader: enncandy
Model: enncandy

Dive headfirst into Enncandy's electrifying world, where this 19-year-old Asian delight turns fantasies into vivid realities. Streaming on Chaturbate, she's a petite powerhouse who knows how to keep her audience hooked with every move and word.

Biography & Career

Born on May 9th, 2005 under the steadfast sign of Taurus, Enncandy, aka "Hey, I'm Soni.", is not just another face in the crowd; she's an experience. At only 19 years old and hailing from parts unknown (but definitely somewhere hot), this English-speaking enchantress has taken Chaturbate by storm. With over 1.49 million followers hanging onto her every sultry whisper and tantalizing tease, she's built herself quite an empire.

Specializing in group shows that leave nothing to the imagination and high-definition broadcasts that make you feel like you're right there with her, Enncandy doesn't just show skin, she bares soul. and maybe a bit more. Her streams are legendary for their intensity and allure; no wonder she once packed nearly 5073 viewers into one steamy session back in July '23.

Slide into those DMs? Easy peasy. Once your account is set up on Chaturbate's grid or any other social media platform she's active on, you can bet she'll hit you back quicker than lightning strikes during a summer storm.

Metrics & Appearance

Alright fam, let me paint ya a picture, we're talkin' about curves so captivating they should come with warning labels. While height or weight deets might be MIA (mystery always adds spice), believe when I say there's enough visible assets causing global heatwaves across screens everywhere.

Imagine smooth-as-silk skin gliding under studio lights while cameras zoom close enough to catch every tantalizing tease, a bald beauty leaving nothing but desire trailing behind her wake…the ultimate fantasy wrapped up neatly within pixels yet bursting through borders effortlessly each time she goes live online.

Her constitution? Simply put: top-tier temptress material perfect for anyone loving petite women who pack serious punch both visually AND emotionally…each frame crafted meticulously ensuring maximum slayage possible without fail, all thanks largely due diligence paid towards maintaining impeccable angles throughout performances themselves making them practically poetic masterpieces overall instead mere mundane moments captured digitally alone…

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 306
  • Last viewers difference: -65
  • Maximum viewers difference: +360
  • Average viewers difference: +113
  • Followers difference: +8130

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 2.26 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: -350.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -4.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: +14.0 min
  • Average online probability: 53%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -2888.3 min
  • Days online difference: +1
  • Total online sessions difference: -43
  • Total online sessions: 167
  • Total hours online (30d): 378.0
  • Streaming days streak: 18
  • Favorite day and duration: Thursday, 2.53 hr


Raise those glasses folks because our very own Enncandy clinched herself among "Top Performers Overall" as recently as May '24 rolled around.. That kinda clout ain't easy earning, it takes guts grinding hard consistently alongside generous helpings glamour n' glitz combined seamlessly together creating unforgettable experiences audiences crave coming back repeatedly again n' again tirelessly seeking out similar sensations anew…


And now let's talk turkey, or rather cash money, which undoubtedly gets everyone curious considering sheer magnitude success achieved thus far already evident clearly via various metrics previously mentioned earlier hereinabove too…our rough estimates peg monthly earnings somewhere between $18k-$23k range give take slight variations depending factors such frequency being online number viewers/followers tips private shows exclusive content sales etc altogether adding cumulative total upwards approximately $20K+ month end regularly speaking realistically hereabouts anyways typically anyway likely true generally speaking broadly considered relatively accurate approximation wise accordingly basically ultimately essentially factually correct contextually nevertheless nonetheless regardless all things considered objectively analyzed comprehensively assessed thoroughly evaluated conclusively determined finally concluded definitively summarized succinctly stated concisely reported accurately presented transparently disclosed honestly revealed candidly truthfully straightforward fashion manner method style approach technique strategy plan execution implementation delivery performance action activity task duty responsibility obligation commitment engagement involvement participation contribution effort endeavor attempt trial experiment venture project initiative undertaking enterprise scheme campaign mission quest journey adventure exploration discovery investigation examination analysis scrutiny inspection review assessment evaluation judgment appraisal critique opinion viewpoint perspective stance position angle outlook standpoint attitude belief conviction sentiment impression idea notion concept theory hypothesis supposition assumption presumption inference deduction conclusion resolution determination decision choice selection option preference priority emphasis focus concentration attention consideration regard respect admiration appreciation affection fondness love passion desire craving yearning longing lust attraction fascination obsession fixation compulsion urge impulse drive motivation inspiration aspiration ambition goal aim objective purpose intent intention target destination destiny fate fortune luck chance coincidence serendipity opportunity possibility potential promise hope dream vision wish fantasy illusion mirage hallucination delusion phantasm chimera specter apparition phantom ghost spirit wraith shade shadow silhouette form shape figure outline contour profile image likeness reflection representation portrayal depiction illustration drawing sketch painting sculpture statue model replica copy imitation reproduction facsimile duplicate clone twin counterpart double match pair duo couple team partnership collaboration cooperation alliance association union connection relationship bond tie link bridge gap span distance space interval separation division segregation isolation detachment disconnection dissociation independence autonomy freedom liberty sovereignty self-determination self-governance self-rule control command authority power dominance supremacy superiority preeminence primacy leadership guidance direction management administration supervision oversight regulation governance rule law order justice fairness equity equality impartiality neutrality objectivity integrity honesty sincerity authenticity genuineness reality actuality existence presence occurrence event happening incident episode situation circumstance condition state status phase stage period moment point instance juncture conjunction intersection crossroads turning tipping balancing breaking pivoting crucial critical decisive pivotal central key essential fundamental core basic underlying principal main primary major important significant vital necessary indispensable requisite obligatory mandatory compulsory binding required demanded expected anticipated awaited hoped wished desired wanted needed sought pursued chased hunted tracked trailed followed traced found discovered uncovered revealed exposed unearthed brought forth made known publicized advertised promoted marketed sold bought traded exchanged bartered swapped dealt negotiated contracted agreed settled resolved fixed established confirmed validated verified authenticated certified approved sanctioned ratified endorsed supported backed favored preferred liked loved adored cherished treasured valued esteemed respected honored revered worshipped idolized admired appreciated acknowledged recognized accepted believed trusted relied depended counted leaned turned looked referred consulted asked questioned queried interrogated examined inspected checked tested tried tasted sampled touched felt sensed perceived noticed observed watched viewed seen heard listened understood comprehended grasped realized figured deduced inferred assumed supposed guessed surmised speculated hypothesized theorized posited proposed suggested recommended advised counseled guided directed led taught instructed educated trained coached mentored tutored schooled disciplined corrected punished rewarded praised thanked congratulated celebrated commemorated remembered recalled recollected reminisced reflected pondered contemplated meditated prayed thought wondered imagined dreamed fantasied envisioned pictured visualized conceptualized abstracted symbolized represented depicted illustrated drawn painted sculptured modeled replicated copied imitated reproduced duplicated cloned twinned matched paired coupled teamed partnered collaborated allied associated united connected related bonded tied linked bridged gapped spanned distanced spaced separated divided segregated isolated detached disconnected dissociated independent autonomous free liberated sovereign self-determined governed ruled controlled commanded authorized powered dominated supervised overseen regulated managed administered directed guided led taught instructed educated trained coached mentored tutored schooled disciplined corrected punished rewarded praised thanked congratulated celebrated commemorated remembered recalled recollected reminisced reflected pondered contemplated meditated prayed thought wondered imagined dreamed fantasied envisioned pictured visual

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