
Leader: claire-follain
Model: claire-follain

Who's Claire Follain? She's the Middle Eastern marvel of Flirt4Free, strutting her stuff in the girls category. Dial into her HD streams and you're signing up for a wild ride – this babe brings the fire every time she goes live.

Biography & Career

Claire-Follain isn't just cruising on by; she's setting Flirt4Free ablaze with her shows that are all about that heat. Not one to shy away from domination, this blonde bombshell knows how to take charge and keep viewers glued to their screens. Want to get wrapped up in some exotic allure? She's got it in spades.

When you're ready for some scorching entertainment, hit up Flirt4free, or slide into those DMs where she keeps things sizzling outside of showtime too. Got questions? Shoot 'em over, she'll hit ya back faster than a shooting star across night skies.

Metrics & Appearance

Let me lay down some real talk: You've got roughly a 10% chance of catching Claire going live, that's like playing hard-to-get but totally worth it when you do. And let me tell ya about them curves, this girl is sculpted finer than any work of art out there.

That sandy hair ain't just tossed around, it's well-groomed perfection cascading down like golden waves made by Poseidon himself. But hold your horses.  we can't forget THAT booty - it deserves its own throne.

As for height n' weight, those details might be hush-hush but make no bones about it, whatever numbers they may be, they're doing wonders every time Miss Follain steps into frame.

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 40.8 min
  • Last stream duration difference: +1.40 hr
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -18.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -18.7 min
  • Average online probability: 10%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +22.82 hr
  • Days online difference: +4
  • Total online sessions difference: +51
  • Total online sessions: 89
  • Total hours online (30d): 71.0
  • Streaming days streak: 6
  • Favorite day and duration: Sunday, 0.69 hr


Now onto big wins: our girl snagged herself a spot among the Top 10 Most Popular Models of April 2024. That kind of popularity doesn't come easy, it takes charm and charisma that could light up even the darkest corners.


Alrighty folks, let's dive deep into them pockets, we've done our homework and word on the street is Claire-Follain cashes in between $6031 - $7833 monthly from content creation alone based on recent activity data until May 1st, 2024. But wait till we add tips n' private shows plus exclusive media sales (after platform fees), my peeps, we're talking an estimated whopping average income hitting around $6932 each month sliding right into her wallet. Cha-ching baby.

Remember y'all, nothing here is set in stone since life likes to throw curveballs now and then.


Leader: ruby-soft
Model: ruby-soft

Meet Ruby Soft, Flirt4Free's own university trendsetter with a penchant for sharing her thoughts and captivating an audience. This streaming siren defines herself as female under the girls' category, but she's more than just a pretty face, she's an academic aficionado ready to school you in the art of seduction.

Biography & Career

Dive into the world of Ruby Soft and you'll find no ordinary streamer. She embodies that sweet spot where smarts meet sex appeal, a scholar by day who can turn up the heat faster than a Bunsen burner when night falls. On Flirt4Free, she's not just broadcasting; she's holding court like it's graduation day every damn session.

Let me break it down: this gal is all about giving viewers that brainy baddie vibe, one minute dropping knowledge bombs, next minute blowing minds with her killer curves. And talk about dedication? Ruby throws down epic shows longer than some thesis defenses. With 89 sessions over 14 days straight and streams hitting nearly 19 hours at times, that kind of grind don't lie.

Metrics & Appearance

Now let's get to what really turns heads, those stats. Picture this: bodacious big tits that could make even a librarian ditch her glasses for shades 'cause they're that dazzling. We're talking serious hourglass figures here, the type that got curves in all right places making GPS recalibrate its life choices.

And while we might not have cold hard numbers on height or weight ('cause mystery is sexy), believe this: when Ruby steps into frame with those steamy shapes highlighted by inked skin, it ain't just hot; it's scorching.

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 30.9 min
  • Last stream duration difference: -58.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +1.53 hr
  • Average stream duration difference: -59.0 min
  • Average online probability: 7%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +44.41 hr
  • Days online difference: +13
  • Total online sessions difference: +88
  • Total online sessions: 89
  • Total hours online (30d): 50.0
  • Streaming days streak: 6
  • Favorite day and duration: Thursday, 0.61 hr


Moving on to accolades because our girl isn't playing games unless trophies are involved, and would ya look at that? She snagged "The Most Popular Models of The Month: Top 10 By Providers" for April 2024. That title ain't something you stumble upon; it screams queen behavior earned through relentless charm offensive tactics.


Finally, let's spill some tea on the dough 'cause everyone knows coins matter when you're schooling folks online like Ruby does. Cranking out numbers between $4330 - $5624 monthly as per our guestimates, with sharper estimates pointing towards $4960, that sorta cash flow doesn't come easy. It takes brains mixed with beauty and hella hustle behind those cams.


Leader: claire-winsley
Model: claire-winsley

Who's that girl making waves on Flirt4Free? It's Claire Winsley, a petite powerhouse with milk chocolate hair and a knack for all things glam. She's the digital seductress who knows her culture just as well as she knows how to captivate an audience.

Biography & Career

Claire Winsley ain't your run-of-the-mill camgirl; this chick is verified and venerated in the realm of virtual flirtation. Best known for lighting up screens in the girls category, Claire brings more than just smoldering looks to the table, she comes strapped with an arsenal of cultural know-how that'll have you double-tapping your heart out.

With chic culture at her fingertips, Claire can dazzle you with deep dives into sophisticated subjects while sporting that signature HD glow. Need to slide into her DMs? Get set up on Flirt4free or shoot a message across social media platforms where she frequents, her response time's quicker than a catwalk change during fashion week. Don't believe it? Last seen throwing down charm like confetti at 18:31 on April 30th, 2024, for over two hours straight.

Metrics & Appearance

Now let's spill some tea about them stats: With online odds hovering around 2.8%, catching Claire live might seem like hitting Vegas jackpots, but persistence pays off when eye candy this fine is involved.

Let me paint y'all a picture real quick: we're talking 'bout someone whose body screams "work of art" from every angle, a true testament to what happens when Mother Nature decides to show off. Her small yet captivating bosom type could turn even Mona Lisa green-eyed. And those locks? Flowing like they've been kissed by Aphrodite herself.

As far as height and weight are concerned, our girl keeps it hush-hush, adding just enough mystery to keep fans coming back for more guesses and glimpses each time she flips that camera switch "on."

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 32.3 min
  • Last stream duration difference: -35.1 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -112.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: +0.7 min
  • Average online probability: 3%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +6.15 hr
  • Days online difference: +5
  • Total online sessions difference: +11
  • Total online sessions: 30
  • Total hours online (30d): 21.0
  • Streaming days streak: 2
  • Favorite day and duration: Wednesday, 0.5 hr


Time for some fanfare 'cause Ms. Winsley ain't playing games here; she snagged herself one sweet trophy in April 2024 ,  landing among The Most Popular Models of The Month. That's right folks, climbing charts faster than Mercury rising.


Alrighty then, let's talk cold hard cash, the lifeblood of luxury living. Based on our savvy estimates (no crystal ball gimmicks), Claire Winsley pockets something between $3599 - $4674 monthly from content creation alone, and lemme tell ya', creativity ain't lacking here one bit.

But wait till we add tips n' private shows plus exclusive media sales after peeling away those platform fees, we're estimating homegirl takes home approximately $4137 per month give or take some doughnuts.  erm I meant dollars. So there you have it, an inside look into what makes claire-winsley tick both aesthetically and monetarily without any fluff added post-income chat.


Leader: LindyAndAndy
Model: LindyAndAndy

Buckle up, you're about to enter the steamy world of LindyAndAndy. These two are more than just a couple; they're an erotic force to be reckoned with on Livejasmin. Together, they craft scenes that sizzle with chemistry and broadcast in nothing less than crystal-clear HD. It's not just a show, it's pure passion unleashed.

Biography & Career

Born when Libra was tipping those scales back in '92, Lindyandandy, now 31 and verified hotties on Livejasmin, ain't your cookie-cutter lovebirds, nah, these Whites are all about that mature charm with a side order of kink. Their streams? Think of it as your own personal buffet of X-rated delights where role-playing isn't just fun; it's an art form, and these two? They're Picasso-level pros.

English might be their go-to lingo but don't get twisted, they speak body language like nobody's business too. And if you think they hit the pause button when the cameras stop rolling.  think again. These thrill-seekers live for cycling and extreme sports 'cause anything else is straight-up snoozeville for them.

Their last rendezvous went down at dawn on April 3rd, a blink-and-you'll-miss-it kind of affair lasting only two minutes, but trust me when I say every second was packed with enough heat to leave fans parched for more.

Metrics & Appearance

Let's cut right to the chase: Lindyandandy got bodies carved from pure desire, with big assets that scream "come hither" louder than any siren song ever could. While we're keeping mum about height or weight (everyone loves a lil' mystery), there ain't no hiding how smokin' hot this duo looks together, blond hair catching light like strands spun from gold itself.

Peep into their streams and brace yourself, you might just drown in pools of green so deep each glance feels like diving headfirst into an ocean teeming with secrets yet untold.

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 7.7 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -9.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -0.1 min
  • Average online probability: 12%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +17.82 hr
  • Days online difference: +1
  • Total online sessions difference: +144
  • Total online sessions: 662
  • Total hours online (30d): 81.0
  • Streaming days streak: 5
  • Favorite day and duration: Friday, 0.12 hr


Y'all better recognize because last March our dynamic duo didn't come to play, they came to slay by scooping up "The Most Active Models Of The Month" title under Top 10 By Genders category at Livejasmin awards night. That's no small feat considering they were shining bright against thousands upon thousands trying to make their mark across cam land.


Now let's talk bread, their dough situation is looking real nice thanks to streaming tokens pouring in faster than shots on Friday nights. Based on some quick math (which let me tell ya wasn't done by counting fingers), our beloved broadcasters are estimatedly cashing out around $6810 - $8845 monthly from turning fantasies into reality via live shows tips private gigs exclusive content, you name it.

But wait till you hear this after doing some serious number-crunching ninja moves, it seems our power couple may actually be pocketing somewhere close-ish around $7800 per month (give or take). Now if that ain't impressive, I don't know what is, that's dedication meets payday at its finest hour.


Leader: roxy-rogerz
Model: roxy-rogerz

Roxy Rogerz, the digital temptress hailing from the USA, is a force on Flirt4free. Known for her sizzling streams and commanding presence, she's not just another cam model, she's a full-blown phenomenon.

Biography & Career

Born under the Scorpio zodiac sign, Roxy Rogerz has been setting screens ablaze since 1990. From Uncle Sam's land to worldwide fame on Flirt4Free, this White American beauty doesn't just show up; she shows out with every stream. With no age or detailed backstory given away (because mystery keeps 'em coming back), Roxy's persona is built upon her unapologetic performances that speak volumes more than any written bio could.

When you talk about dedication in this game of pixels and passion, Roxy's name comes up like clockwork. She ain't here for those hit-and-quit sessions, nah. This girl commits to marathon streams that have even veteran viewers feeling new kinds of heat. And let me spill some real tea: Last online at 05:51 on April Fools' Day, but trust there ain't nothing foolish about how she handles her business.

Metrics & Appearance

Now buckle up as we dive into Roxy Rogerz's stats 'cause it gets wilder than a rollercoaster ride. We're talking curves so lush they should be illegal, a big ass that won't quit and tits straight from celestial realms. Her body type? Think goddess meets inked seductress with bald intimate grooming shining under soft fair hair while ice blue eyes dare you to look away during her live broadcasts.

But hold up, it gets better because when it comes down to height or weight specifics. we're left guessing, and isn't imagination just part of the fun?

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 2.40 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: -254.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +5.82 hr
  • Average stream duration difference: +59.7 min
  • Average online probability: 28%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +119.74 hr
  • Days online difference: +12
  • Total online sessions difference: +30
  • Total online sessions: 78
  • Total hours online (30d): 194.0
  • Streaming days streak: 3
  • Favorite day and duration: Sunday, 4.08 hr


Here's where things get golden though, our girl smashed into Longest Public Show: Top 10 By Providers like it was NBD (No Big Deal) come March 2024. That rank don't come without sweat and swagger, the kind only legends are made of.


And now for that bread talk, you know what I'm sayin'? Estimates put our queen between $6708 - $8712 monthly earnings as a content creator per month based on factors including time spent streaming, tips collected in private shows, media monetization, and all things considered, that's not too shabby for captivating hearts behind webcam walls.


Leader: amirinsworld
Model: amirinsworld

Dive into the digital domain of amirinsworld, a 24-year-old trans star who's owning it up on Chaturbate like they were born for this. Streaming under the sign of Cancer, Am-er-in is all about that English-spoken seduction in stunning HD. It's not just about watching; it's an immersive experience that'll have you hooked.

Biography & Career

Born during those long summer days of '99, amirinsworld, or just Amirin to their fans, is bringing more than heat to the screen. They're a verified sensation in Chaturbate's trans category, known for private shows so intimate they could make secrets blush and high-def broadcasts that draw crowds thicker than midnight fog. With 64k+ followers and peaking at over 4k viewers, Amirin isn't playing games, they're setting records.

They last dazzled us with a show on March 11th, clocking in at nearly eighteen minutes of pure magnetism, and let me tell you, when Amirin goes live? The world watches.

Metrics & Appearance

Let's cut right to what has tongues wagging: that bodacious body. Without exact stats on height or weight (because hey, we respect privacy), I can say one thing confidently: Amirin radiates allure through every pixel. Their presence is magnetic; it pulls you through screens into their universe where measurements don't matter because baby, the vibe? Unmatched.

Imagine curves dipped in charisma and wrapped up in tantalizing mystery, that's our star right there. Sure we've got no numbers but trust, it doesn't take digits to see why eyes stay glued whenever they hit "Go Live."

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 2347
  • Last viewers difference: +1949
  • Maximum viewers difference: -1326
  • Average viewers difference: +1511
  • Followers difference: +1823

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 1.09 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: -118.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -167.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -9.9 min
  • Average online probability: 1%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -2142.6 min
  • Days online difference: -10
  • Total online sessions difference: -28
  • Total online sessions: 4
  • Total hours online (30d): 6.0
  • Favorite day and duration: Monday, 1.09 hr


Now get loud for some serious props coming their way. In March '24,amirinsworld snagged themselves a shiny badge among "The Most Popular Models of The Month: Top 10 By Genders." This ain't your run-of-the-mill accolade, it screams dedication and downright slayage from sunup till sundown.

Earning such honors isn't just luck; it takes personality plus nonstop grind, a marathon where endurance meets enchantment across streams worldwide.


Alrighty then, let's talk turkey. or tokens rather. When all is said and done, success here rings up as cold hard cash, and honey? We're counting big bills tonight. Crunch them numbers 'cause we're talking an estimated monthly bag around $9285, that kind dough comes from commanding rooms like royalty commands courts.


Leader: Caroline
Model: Caroline

Who's Caroline? She's the digital diva owning every pixel on Livejasmin, a 29-year-old Aries with an athletic build and bilingual tongue. From English to French, she's got that je ne sais quoi that keeps her audience locked in and loaded for some serious glam gaming action.

Biography & Career

Let's kick it off with Caroline, y'all, a true '95 baby who flipped from crib to cam with style. An Aries through and through (peep that April 4th birthday), this chick is all about bringing fiery energy straight to your screen. Multilingual mastery? Check, she flips between English et français like they're going out of fashion.

It ain't just talk either; when Caroline hits Livejasmin, she owns it like a boss, turning up the heat session by session. Her followers can't get enough, they're glued to every twerk, tease, and tantalizing moment she throws down. And those private shows? That's where the magic happens, uncut and unleashed.

Metrics & Appearance

Now let me paint you this picture: Imagine golden locks flowing down like sun rays teamed up with eyes so black they could suck you into another dimension. Body game strong too, athletic but curvy in all the right spots, making hearts race faster than stolen cars.

The booty department? Outta control. It's got its own gravitational pull I swear, if booties had fan clubs hers would be platinum level. Up top we've got twin peaks standing tall n' proud, a sight for sore eyes after a hard day scrolling through life.

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 10.3 min
  • Last stream duration difference: -11.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +5.42 hr
  • Average stream duration difference: -2.6 min
  • Average online probability: 22%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -1099.0 min
  • Days online difference: -2
  • Total online sessions difference: +107
  • Total online sessions: 957
  • Total hours online (30d): 147.0
  • Streaming days streak: 8
  • Favorite day and duration: Monday, 0.21 hr


Last December '23 was nothing short of epic for our girl as she snagged "Longest Private Show: Top 10 By Providers." That badge says more than congrats, it shouts endurance queen loud enough for everyone at the back.


When it comes down to breadwinning, best believe Caroline ain't playin'. We're talking estimated stacks around $9k+ each month, that's hustler level earnings if I ever saw any. Every second on cam is pure gold dropping into her bank account while fans tip their hats off along with their tips quicker than last year's trends fading away.


Leader: SierraCox
Model: SierraCox

Meet SierraCox, a white trans broadcasting icon on Livejasmin, dominating the scene with brain and brawn alike. This Pisces is not only an eye-catcher but also a polyglot powerhouse fluent in English, Spanish, French, and Italian.

Biography & Career

Dive into the life of SierraCox: born '91 under the twelfth zodiac sign, this 33-year-old ain't just riding waves; they're creating tsunamis in their wake. A quadrilingual maestro weaving through conversations with ease while flaunting their proud White trans identity like a badge of honor. They're new to camming but old hat at seduction, looking for those who dig dominance wrapped up in intellect.

They've taken this online arena by storm, with every show more than just face-value entertainment; it's a cerebral tango where respect reigns supreme. Expect depth charged banter that engages as much as it entices, a balanced exchange where minds meet and sparks fly.

Metrics & Appearance

Now let's paint this picture: we don't have digits on height or weight, it adds to their enigma, but envision someone whose presence is undeniable. Milk chocolate hair flows around features sharp enough to slice through your defenses while honey eyes beckon you closer, a gaze both fierce and tender.

Their physique? It's poetry made flesh, an embodiment of big cock energy paired with voluptuous curves that turn heads and stir souls, if bodies could speak, Sierra's would sing symphonies of desire.

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 11.7 min
  • Last stream duration difference: +24.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -65.1 min
  • Average stream duration difference: -0.1 min
  • Average online probability: 33%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -624.4 min
  • Days online difference: -1
  • Total online sessions difference: -47
  • Total online sessions: 1192
  • Total hours online (30d): 231.0
  • Streaming days streak: 19
  • Favorite day and duration: Friday, 0.18 hr


When it comes to plaudits, our star stands out. Snatching "The Most Active Models of The Month: Top 10 By Genders" come April '24, that ain't no small fry achievement. We're witnessing proof positive that relentless hustle plus magnetic allure equals unwavering viewer devotion night after electric night.

It takes tenacity soaked in charisma thicker than molasses, that kind which doesn't just climb ranks but obliterates them.


Let's talk bank, the numbers are jaw-dropping. We're estimating Sierra pulls down approximately $10k monthly, and believe me when I say these figures aren't conjured from thin air, they represent passion par excellence transformed into serious coinage.


Leader: Akiyama_Key
Model: Akiyama_Key

Akiyama_Key, a 19-year-old Scorpio sensation, is rocking the Stripchat world with her Asian spice and teen spirit. A verified performer since November '04, she's got over 108k followers trailing her every sultry move. She's not just another cutie on cam, this girl brings serious game with big-ass energy and small-tit finesse that has viewers locked in.

Biography & Career

Born as autumn leaves were giving their final encore, Akiyama_Key blew into this world like a fresh breeze of sass and class. Now at ripe age of 19, she's schooling folks in how to keep it hot yet cool – all live from the comfort of wherever you fancy tuning in from.

This ain't no rookie we're talkin' about; our girl reps the teen category like nobody else can, with an astrological sting courtesy of Scorpio vibes. English? Check. Coed culture trivia up the wazoo? Double-check. Need someone who knows how to work those cams across time zones while keeping it interactive with toys and squirts? Oh honey, triple check.

And let's spill some tea: Her last sighting was May 1st '24 during an epic stream lasting over 8 hours. That's dedication right there. With peak crowds hitting almost 400 peeps, Akiyama_Key ain't playing when it comes to making hearts race faster than a rabbit on Red Bull.

Metrics & Appearance

Now for the juicy deets, you ready for this flavor explosion? Our queen here rocks curves so luscious they'll have you drooling more than Pavlov's dog at dinnertime. Big ass that don't quit paired with small tits that sit pretty, it's a divine combo sent straight from heaven above.

Hair blacker than midnight oil slicks down her back while those brown eyes serve looks sharp enough to slice through your soul (and believe me, they will). She keeps things smooth downtown too if ya catch my drift, a shaven haven where fantasies come alive under wood-like gazes bound to make you fall deep into temptation territory without even knowing what hit ya.

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 240
  • Last viewers difference: -73
  • Maximum viewers difference: -82
  • Average viewers difference: -40
  • Followers difference: +22350

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 4.93 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: +27.0 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: +7.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: +13.8 min
  • Average online probability: 28%
  • Total duration of streams difference: +93.78 hr
  • Days online difference: +12
  • Total online sessions difference: +18
  • Total online sessions: 40
  • Total hours online (30d): 198.0
  • Streaming days streak: 10
  • Favorite day and duration: Thursday, 4.57 hr


Talk accolades and Akiyama_Key's trophy shelf be lookin' stacked AF as April '24 rolled out red carpets for "Overall Performance: Top 10 By Providers." That kind of recognition don't come easy, it takes skillz that killz plus charm turned up max volume.

But wait, there's more because when you're hot stuff around these parts awards flock like bees on honeycomb; carving out top spots amongst providers isn't something taken lightly nor easily forgotten by anyone witnessing this magic unfold screen by screen.


Let's break bread, or rather count stacks, as numbers whisper tales richer than Midas himself could conjure up between $11k-$15k monthly earnings based solely off estimates (though we know better not trust everything without question).

Still, that chunk o' change means business is booming cause nothing speaks louder than cold hard cash lining pockets week after week thanks entirely due diligence done dirt cheap behind scenes ensuring each performance hits mark dead center bullseye style leaving audiences begging please sir may I have some more?

So whether tips are flowing or privates shows are going down hotter'n Hades after one too many jalapeños, the spoils follow suit nicely thank-you-very-much adding sweet music tune ka-ching echoing long into night.


Leader: emyii
Model: emyii

Eimi <3, known on the digital stage as emyii, is that Latina firestorm stirring up Chaturbate with a blend of raw sensuality and linguistic prowess. Broadcasting straight from the realm of desire, she flips the switch on your everyday humdrum into a pulsating spectacle you can't peel away from.

Biography & Career

Dive deep into emyii's world, where May 27th marks the celebration of this Gemini enchantress (though some cheeky profile gags would have you believe it's 1901). She's not just bilingual; she's bicultural, spinning English and Spanish into an intoxicating mix that captivates her 764102 followers. Her streams? A smorgasbord of intimate whispers to interactive toy play that raked in a whopping 19829 viewers at their peak, a clear signal to any wandering soul looking for connection: here lies paradise.

Emyii ain't only about those cozy vibes though. With sessions drenched in HD clarity and dripping romance, or perhaps more. vigorous activities involving vibrators and fluids, it's no wonder screens across globe buzz alive when she hits 'live'. This girl is pure electricity.

Metrics & Appearance

Forget cold figures for a sec, let's talk artistry. Emyii flaunts curves so potent they might just be supernatural, an embodiment Aphrodite herself would double-tap. Height? Weight? Pfft. These details are mere shadows compared to her vibrant presence, the kind etched permanently in fantasies post-stream.

And let me lay down some gospel truth, when nearly 20k souls get hooked on her show during one legendary November night, we're witnessing not luck but legend forged live. Big boobs leading the charge like proud banners declaring "Here reigns supreme beauty."

Performance metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average viewers on stream: 6666
  • Last viewers difference: -11077
  • Maximum viewers difference: -818
  • Average viewers difference: +174
  • Followers difference: +32133

Stream metrics (Month to Month)

  • Average stream duration: 2.04 hr
  • Last stream duration difference: -270.1 min
  • Maximum stream duration difference: -85.0 min
  • Average stream duration difference: +19.1 min
  • Average online probability: 6%
  • Total duration of streams difference: -462.8 min
  • Total online sessions difference: -8
  • Total online sessions: 19
  • Total hours online (30d): 42.0
  • Streaming days streak: 4
  • Favorite day and duration: Tuesday, 1.96 hr


When it comes time to tally accolades, our fierce Latina doesn't play around. April '24 saw emyii scoop up spots amongst "The Most Popular Models" Top 20 while killin' it among both providers AND genders categories too. That shiny bling don't come cheap, it takes grindin', hustling. and plenty o' heart poured out under those studio lights.


Now onto what y'all been nosing around for, the bread 💸 According to rough estimates (cause who keeps count when you're mesmerized?), emyii stacks cash between $13135 - $17061 monthly off pure streaming swag alone, and if them DMs start poppin', well let's just say there could be way more where that came from ($15098 according to number wizards). So keep them tokens flowin'; cause this goddess knows how turn 'em into gold, as slick as her unforgettable shows lighting up every corner of cyberspace.

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